Saturday, June 20, 2020


Cabot Trail Road, Nova Scotia, Canada
Photo by Christophe Dion on Unsplash

Wind through my window
stirs memories,
for a moment,
unmoors me.

Scent of ocean,
prickle of sea urchins
upon a shore I left
long ago.

So real I can taste
the salt in the air
hear the ocean’s

Then the sea surges
through time
and appears
in tears

storms my soul
scatters my senses
to the waves
and wind.

Unmoored, my soul
billowed by breezes
of time and memory

emerges from
seeming stasis
begins the journey

©2020 Joanne Young Elliott

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Facing West

Image by JoAnn Mangione from Pixabay

When the figures on tarot cards face West
they are looking towards the past.

The past is behind us but ever with us and so
is never really gone unless we forget.

We cannot afford to forget the truths told
of deeds done long, long ago.

But we forget the long ago to cover the sins of ancestors.
We try so hard to keep the status quo.

Status quo: the chains that hold us in a place of comfort
sheltered from the truth, unchanged.

If we remain unchanged, we will stand facing West
and see only the past we want to see.

And when our sight is occluded by a veil of falsehoods
the West transforms into the land of death.

Those tarot figures face our impending death with sadness,
implore us to know how we got here.

© 2020 Joanne Young Elliott