Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Equinox Dreaming


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Briefly, all is revealed

in the balance, the moment when

light and dark share the same

liminal space/time,

all possibility captured

as twilight passes through

our lives, our minds…


The wren, the sparrow,

the wren again

all passing through

they flit like shadows

in my mind

remind me

to sing


and they reveal this moment.

In synch with my mind

they arrive with a message

from time, their song is

my song, is the world’s

song, and it cuts through

the withering fabric


that billows, inspired by

what is now revealed

as night and day stand

together this evening.

But soon the dark will extend

itself into day and leave

us in the night to dream.


©2020 Joanne Young Elliott

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Poetry Is Seeing Clearly

Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash


First the edges glow and turn black

then it curls in on itself, shrinking,

flames rising, going up in smoke

until all that remains is ash that drifts


lands at my feet miles from where it

once rustled in the wind and before that

had to unfurl from the bud of a bare

branch made so by cold and low light.


“To see clearly is poetry,” said John Ruskin

who made the leaf into art and saw his role

as “truth to nature” and in seeing clearly,

saw the coming storm, weather patterns


thrown off kilter by the fires of industrialization

stoked by capitalism turning all utilitarian

while art unfolded for its own sake leaving

so many souls to wither in the cold.

At the edge or the end we stand in the dust

of what was as time curls in on itself

will poetry unfurl from this moment or

will the smoke obscure our view?


In the dark the edges glow and turn black.

Flames rise as the past is consumed.

For a moment there is light then ashes

to ashes to feed the soil, society, soul.


©2020 Joanne Young Elliott