Thursday, October 29, 2020

She Is...


Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

She stands proud, reaching to sky,

into the heavens as she remains

grounded in Earth.


She is the buck whose antlers

touch the sky as it rises

up on the outcropping of rock.


She is the raven who caws

from the treetop waving in wind,

firmly rooted to the forest ground.


She is snow falling from sky,

drifting to frozen soil

to sink deep in spring.


She is the flowering

the ripening, the falling

the dying.


She is the Ground of Being

rising, ever rising into form,

ever sinking into the unknown to be born.

She is…


©2020 Joanne Young Elliott

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Poetry Begins in the Blood


Image by Christine Sponchia from Pixabay

 All the soarings of my mind begin in my blood.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke


Poetry courses through my veins,

dances in my heart and pours

onto the page before me.


Always, it surprises me,

the way what is lived is translated

inside my body, almost page perfect


sometimes. If not for my minds

ability to receive this poetry,

it would pool, become stagnant


unless I moved it, moved my

body, mimed the dance

beating in my heart.


©2020 Joanne Young Elliott