Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Humming Bird

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

The buzz of blowers
impacts my morning,
my mind. And then
the humming birds
come. Rise to my
window and into my
awareness. Their
humming so quiet
it reaches beyond
the roar into some
eternal moment.
© 2019 Joanne Young Elliott

Monday, April 15, 2019

Our Heart Our Mother (For Our Lady or Notre Dame)

Photo by bogitw on pixabay

Our Lady of Paris, icon and soul of a city
we believe we’ll always have.

Flames flicker across screens, across borders
across religions and as always

you are full of grace as nearly a thousand years
of prayers are released.

Smoke rises and lingers over this moment
like incense awaiting more requests.

You were here before cathedrals rose in the
river of our imagination.

You were here before rose windows and spires
that reached into sky.

And still, you are here. You are here, always
our heart, our mother.

© April 15, 2019 Joanne Young Elliott

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Offering

Photo by Free-Photos on pixabay

I gaze into the distance,
beyond palm fronds waving in the warm breeze
beyond the valley floor covered in smog
beyond even the mountains
rising in the distance,
snowcapped and cold

beyond the day and night of it
beyond earth and sky
beyond the moon, the sun, the stars
beyond swirling galaxies and the mystery
of imploding and exploding stars,
dust most brilliant.

Beyond all this,
I realize the offering is
and with every breath I serve.

© 2019 Joanne Young Elliott