Friday, July 26, 2019

Life Continues for Roger Allen Baut (April 25, 1946 - November 4, 2018)

Photo by Roger Allen Baut

I imagine you now
a breeze through the trees
you once photographed.

I imagine you now
the air through which
the music you loved vibrates.

I imagine you now
as the breath on which
we speak your name.

I imagine you.
What is remembered lives.

©2019 Joanne Young Elliott
*After I wrote this poem I found the words below on Roger’s Facebook page. The photo above was with those words.

Remember me,
Remember me,
Through all of your eternity,
That I was one,
Who in the Sun
Called to you
Through the rain...

© 2018 Roger Allen Baut

                                               Music in video is Life by Ludovico Einaudi

*Roger liked to put photos, words and music together. This blend is for him.
You can find some of his work here:

His obituary: