Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dead Wood

Frost lingers at the fringes
spoils spring’s potential fruit.

Trees lost through the night
lie dormant, become other

beneath blunt blades
the axe hacks

slices still air
splits open winter

cuts deep into dead wood.
Hope splinters into dust

upon frost firm ground
waits to blend

with forgiving mud
the primordial soup

that waits to feed
the seed yet unborn.

© 2012 Joanne Elliott


  1. Get the trip to the dark side and then more hopeful to the light, nicely done.

  2. a bit of a fresh take on the circle of life...portrayed rather dramatic as well...dying so the next can live...

  3. beneath blunt blades
    the axe hacks

    slices still air
    splits open winter - wonderful writing.

    Really like how the poem reads. Has it's own rhythm, and it's just brilliant.

    Very nice work here.

  4. Enjoyed your approach here--everything recycles,even hope, even buds, everything has its moment, then passes it to the next. Love the short and cadenced couplet form for this, as well.

  5. the primordial soup

    that waits to feed
    the seed yet unborn...i like this much...a sense of beginnings in endings..new life and nourishing hope...beautifully penned

  6. I feel the pepper in your season...very much enjoyed this piece.

  7. Especially like the sounds in this one.

    beneath blunt blades
    the axe hacks

    You use the sibiliance of "s" and the dunning of "d" to good effect, too.


  8. I like this. Terrific journey down an alternate symbolism of spring-time meaning. Very nicely done. Thanks

  9. A unique perspective into that time that is the in-between of seasons, neither winter anymore nor spring just yet.

  10. I'm sorry I thought I had commented but apparently I shouldn't try to do that late at night :). I enjoyed how you twisted the expected and delivered such beauty, especially 'Hope splinters into dust'.

  11. Beautiful poem! It's vivid imagery kept me feeling with all of my senses.

  12. This is amazingly stunning! The imagery is gorgeously woven, really enjoyed this! :)

  13. Very powerful use of metaphor and sound devices. Very nice write. Quirina (http://themindssky.wordpress.com) (Having problems getting Blogger to publish my comment).
